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Tullow is committed to acting as a responsible steward of the environment, ensuring robust systems are in place for assessing and managing environmental risk, and protecting ecosystems is a key theme of the environmental stewardship strategic pillar in our sustainability framework. As part of our commitment to delivering shared prosperity and mitigating impacts including climate change we also support the restoration of ecosystems in the areas in which we operate.
An example of our commitment to restore ecosystems is the Mangrove Restoration Project in Guyana. After years of destruction from human activities and the natural erosion of mineral deposits, the unique and diverse mangrove ecosystems of Guyana’s coastline are in danger. As the mangroves serve as natural coastal defences from the sea, the coastlines are now at greater risk of flooding and overtopping. A recent study conducted by the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) has aided in identifying a particular 0.5 km stretch of coastline along Region 2, spanning from Colombia to the village of Aberdeen, for a mangrove restoration project which Tullow is supporting.
"The support received from Tullow Oil will ensure that the mangroves along the Colombia/Aberdeen shoreline are restored thereby increasing the resilience of these communities to flooding from extreme high tide events. The restored mangrove ecosystem will also support livelihoods for these communities as crab catching will return as the forest matures." - Ms. Kene Moseley, Project Coordinator Mangrove Restoration Project
Although this project is expected to take three or four years, urgent work is required immediately to protect the remaining mangroves. The project aims to plant 15,000 spartina grass sprouts to rehabilitate the area before settling 20,000 black mangrove seedlings into the area. This work will be done in parallel with raising awareness amongst the local communities on the importance of protecting the mangroves. NAREI has recently selected and trained community contractors to set up nurseries and supply high quality mangrove seedlings and engagements have been carried out with the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (regional government) of Region 2. Spartina grass sprouts are expected to be set in the area in the near future, while black mangrove seedlings will be given the best chance available at a strong start, growing in special nurseries before being transplanted.
The project will enable a better understanding of some of the challenges associated with small scale reforestation, but more importantly it will provide a direct benefit to communities by building up coastal resilience, ultimately protecting the rich and diverse ecosystems which are essential for local livelihoods. The project is also closely aligned with Guyana’s Green goals.