We are committed to local sourcing of goods, services and expertise.

It is our intent to build up local capability where we can, through education, knowledge and skills transfer so that local people benefit from development of natural resources.

We aim to support local companies to grow and develop so they can secure business from other international companies. Under our contracting strategy, we require international suppliers to commit to sourcing goods and services from local companies within their supply chain.

International companies are also an important part of our supply chain. They bring further Foreign Direct Investment, know-how and skills, which can further stimulate business opportunities and the pace of capacity building in the economy.


As local companies gain experience and skills, we can then help the host country to promote its products internationally. One of the ways we support this is through working with Invest in Africa (IIA). IIA was set up by Tullow in 2012 to unite the international and local business community to work in partnership to address the cross-sector challenges of doing business in Africa.


Tullow is committed to regular engagement and communication with local suppliers to ensure they understand our needs, can easily navigate our contracting and procurement processes and be a part of our transparent supply chain.

Tax Changes

Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) Withdrawal of “Cascading Withholding Tax (WHT) Ruling” has resulted in a change to the applicable WHT regime for Subcontracting. This presentation intended for Tullow Suppliers provides an overview of the changes and its implication to doing business with Tullow Ghana Ltd. 

GRA Removal of Cascading Ruling Presentation


Since 2021, Tullow has worked with the Ghana Upstream Petroleum Business Academy of the Petroleum Commission of Ghana to deliver virtual workshops to equip current and future local suppliers with requisite knowledge, skills and systems to succeed in the oil and gas industry in Ghana and internationally. A summary and video recordings of the workshops are below:

April and May 2021 Workshops to equip current and future suppliers in the oil and gas industry with requisite knowledge in business ethics and compliance and supplier due diligence. 
July 2021 Workshop focused on health, safety and environmental management policies and procedures.
October 2021 Training on Tullow’s end-to-end procurement process including Tullow’s procurement, invoicing and payment processes. The session provided participants with a deeper understanding of key procurement areas including category management, vendor registration and set up, and procurement sourcing tools.
November 2021 Workshop for financial institutions and insurance companies with a focus on sharing industry expectations of companies that provide services to our suppliers and the wider supplier community.
March 2022 Workshop on the requirements and expectations for an upcoming tender for aviation services.
April 2022 Pre-tender workshop on cleaning and janitorial services. Over 120 participants from the local supplier community participated in the event.
June 2022 Pre-tender workshop on security and man guarding services. A total of 80 suppliers attended the session.
July 2022 Training workshop on the application of reverse auctions in our competitive tendering process and the benefits to suppliers. Over 80 participants from the local supplier community participated in the event.
March 2023 Pre-tender workshop on crane and forklift services and well drilling tools.
April 2023 Pre-tender workshop on heavy duty trucking and ports & harbour services.
June 2023 Pre-tender workshop - provision of marine gas oil & fixed wing services.
September 2023 Training workshop on closing the gap on reverse auctions. Learn more HERE
March 2024 PC/TGL - Closing the Gap Workshop on Supply Chain Digitisation.











In September 2021, Tullow partnered with Invest In Africa (IIA) to implement an eight-month finance-focused programme aimed at supporting suppliers whose business operations and finances have been adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The roll-out of the programme themed “Access to Finance Programme for Suppliers” commenced with a workshop to equip suppliers with the knowledge, skills and support needed to effectively engage with financial institutions to refinance/restructure existing funding programmes and improve liquidity.

Training Videos

Supplier Development

PC / TGL Business Academy Partnership – Due Diligence  – May 2021

PC / TGL Business Academy Partnership – EHS Training – July 2021

Supplier Finance Readiness Programme – September 2021

Workshop on End-to-End E-Procurement Process – October 2021

Reverse Auctions – Applications and Benefits for Suppliers – July 2022

Reverse Auction Workshop - September 2023

Closing the Gap Workshop on Supply Chain Digitisation - March 2024

Pre-Tender Workshops

Pre-Tender Webinar – Provision of Aviation Services – March 2022

Pre-Tender Webinar – Cleaning & Janitorial Services –  April 2022

Pre-Tender Workshop – Provision of Security & Man Guarding Services – June 2022

Pre-Tender Workshop - Crane & Forklift Services and Well Drilling Tools

Pre-Tender Workshop - Heavy Duty Trucking and Ports & Harbour Services - April 2023

Pre-Tender Workshop - Provision of Marine Gas Oil & Fixed Wing Services - June 2023

Supply Chain Newsletters

Ghana Supply Chain Newsletter
June 2024

Ghana Supply Chain Newsletter
January 2024

Ghana Supply Chain Newsletter
October 2023

Ghana Supply Chain Newsletter                      June 2023

Ghana Supply Chain Newsletter
March 2023

Ghana Supply Chain Newsletter
November 2022

Local Content is a term used in the Oil and Gas industry to describe the commitment to build on the capacity and capability of local people and businesses to support the long-term development of the emerging sector.

We want to benefit the countries where we work by investing in local suppliers, investing in local skills and by creating real opportunities within the industry. For us, Local Content is not just about meeting legislative requirements or ticking a box, we do it because we have a responsibility; it creates a positive social and economic impact and makes good business sense. For example, working with local companies can reduce our project times and costs.

The goal of our Local Content strategy is to build local capacity and to develop successful suppliers who can deliver a wide range of goods, services and skills to international standards.

We aim to do this by:

  • Developing an industry run by nationals through training, knowledge transfer and employment.
  • Supporting local businesses to enter the industry's supply chain, either directly as suppliers to Tullow or through our international supplier relations.
  • Creating a social enterprise funding and partnerships programme for education and enterprise development for our industry.

There are numerous and varied opportunities for local suppliers, from medical equipment and civil and mechanical engineering services, to transport services, security and freight forwarding.

As the oil and gas industry is very new in many of the countries where we operate, we recognise the need to support, train and build local expertise. The types of skills required in the industry are quite specialised and require a high level of vocational and technical skills. Therefore we want to help develop these skills and run skills development programmes and supplier forums in the countries where we operate, which include:

  • Contract awareness events – this initiative organises a range of events and forums for local potential suppliers, including discussions on our procedures and standards.
  • Training, development, mentoring and coaching – to meet any needs we have identified in our suppliers, Tullow may provide or commission training, and provide mentoring and coaching support, to help potential suppliers present professional bids.
  • Vocational training schemes – these schemes focus mainly on developing trade skills, e.g. electrical, plumbing, welding and steel fabrication.
  • Invest in Africa – we support Invest in Africa, find out more about Invest in Africa and register on the African Partner Pool.

We do not just award Local Content contracts to local business and leave them to work independently. Our in-country Local Content and C&P teams work with the companies, do audits and also monitor international suppliers to make sure they are maintaining their commitment to training. The teams also research the local market, build-up a database and identify training opportunities for our current suppliers. We run a programme called "Closing the Gap" which is aimed at helping local people and businesses enter the oil and gas industry supply chain. At the sessions we train suppliers to increase their skills in health and safety, book keeping, submitting invoices and how to tender for contracts. These workshops are well attended and appreciated by local businesses.

The amount of Local Content in a tender is one of the key criteria a potential supplier is marked against.Our contracts are designed to ensure that our international suppliers take the same responsibility for developing Local Content as we do.

Specialise in what you do, bring up the standards of your core services and learn and deliver to the requirements of the industry. Don't try to do everything - concentrate on the service we require and make sure you work to best of your ability. That is the recipe for success.