Tullow's current outstanding bond issues are provided in the following table:

  Amount  Coupon Maturity Ratings (S&P's & Moody's) Listing ISIN (144A / RegS)
Senior Notes USD 492m 7% 1 March 2025

CCC+ / Caa2

Luxembourg US899415AE32 / USG91237AA87 
Senior Secured Notes USD 1.385bn 10.25% 15 May 2026 B-/ Caa1 Luxembourg

US899415AG89 / USG91237AB60


Corporate credit ratings

Tullow is currently rated by two credit rating agencies: Moody's Investor Services and Standard & Poor's:

Agency Rating Outlook Publishing date
Standard & Poor's B- Negative 21 December 2023
Moody's Caa1 Negative 22 December 2023