Our sustainability strategy addresses our material economic, social and environmental impacts, and is fundamental to delivering our purpose.
It is built around four pillars shown below that are aligned with the issues that are most important to our business, our stakeholders and the relevant broader United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In 2023, we made positive impact across all the pillars and strive to improve as we look forward. We commenced a review of the issues which represent our most significant sustainability impacts as a precursor to updating our sustainability strategy and targets to reflect changes in our business, our operating environments, new reporting standards and frameworks as well as stakeholder expectations since our last assessment. We plan to provide an update and refreshed sustainability strategy next year.
Safe operations
- Employee health and safety
- Process safety
- Emergency response

total recordable injury frequency across our global operations in line with target
Tier 1 process safety Loss of Primary Containments (LOPC) and 3 Tier 2 LOPC
completed field FPSO safety culture assessment which evidenced strong improvement in safety systems and practices
Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) forums held in Ghana
wellness events attended on average by employees throughout the year as part of our Global Wellness Agenda
Shared Prosperity
- Local content and capacity
- Community development
- Social investment

$221 million
local supplier spend an increase of 28% compared to 2022
educational activities reached more than 10,000 pupils and students
loans granted to 2,411 businesses as part of ongoing investment in the Ghana fishing communities
Human rights
major programme to identify salient human rights issues and training rolled out within Tullow and across our supplier base in Ghana
local companies attended six training workshops delivered through the Petroleum Commission / Tullow Business Academy Partnership Initiative in Ghana
Environmental stewardship
- Climate change
- Biodiversity
- Spills
- Waste

improvements completed to increase gas handling capacity on Jubilee and TEN separator upgrades to progress elimination of routine flaring to meet our Net Zero commitment
reduction in total energy consumption
reduction in total water consumption
total waste recycled, reused or treated (compared to 74% in 2022)
results received in the fourth marine benthic environmental assessment undertaken in Ghana
Equality and transparency
- Compliance
- Anti-corruption
- Human rights
- Inclusion and diversity
- Tax transparency

$713 million
total socio-economic contribution in our host countries, bringing total five-year socio-economic contribution to $3.1 billion
$492 million
paid to host countries including payments in kind
women in senior management(compared to 14% in 2022)
Africans in management(compared to 42% in 2022)
localisation in Ghana on track to achieve our target of 90% through implementation of various initiatives
Our Sustainability Report 2023
This Sustainability Report complements our 2023 Annual Report and provides further details of our environmental and social performance over the past year.

Shared prosperity
Local content and capacity
Community development
Social investment
Equality and transparency
Human rights
Inclusion and Diversity
Tax transparency
Shared Prosperity
Social performance
Avoiding harm to people, managing impacts and delivering benefits
Understanding our broader impacts
Assessing our socio-economic contribution
Engaging in our host countries
Building trusting and respectful relationships
Accelerating progress through partnerships
Advancing education initiatives
Supporting job-related skills development
Accelerating entrepreneurship
Optimising local content
Increasing spend with local suppliers
Building local capacity
Monitoring supplier social and economic impact
We believe in the power of working together to achieve our goals. Our experience shows that when we work in open and trusting partnership within our networks, we can do more, better and faster.
This is how we advance our Shared Prosperity strategy, a core element of our sustainability journey.
Our Social Performance teams engage our local communities and stakeholders regularly to understand their needs and aspirations and any impacts our activities could have on them. We aim to avoid harm to people, manage our impacts and deliver benefits, thus ensuring the well-being of our local communities.
Engaging with partners across our activities means we can increase momentum for enhancing employability and entrepreneurship for young people; expand the talent pool needed for the growth of small businesses; and contribute to the expansion and development of the capacity and capabilities of local companies so that they deliver stronger business performance.
Related documents
2023 Payment to Government Report
Sustainability Performance Data
GHG Emissions Scope & Calculation Methodology
IRAS Independent Assurance Statement
Local Tullow Kenya magazine showcasing our approach to Social investment & responsible operations in Turkana.
Our policies and standards
Climate Policy
March 2024
Safe and Sustainable Operations policy
30 June 2024
Human Rights policy
30 June 2024
Code of Ethical Conduct
1 October 2024