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Tullow members of the Project Oil Kenya field team establish mentorship programme in secondary schools in Turkana Region.
A mentorship programme has been established by Tullow members of Project Oil Kenya’s field team in Turkana East and Turkana South. The team, who take part in the mentorship scheme on a voluntary basis, visit secondary schools in local communities in our areas of operation, where Tullow has previously sponsored the building of classrooms and dormitories.
The objectives are to inform teachers and students of the oil and gas life cycle, mentor students in their career paths, increase self-esteem and self-confidence of the students, and build and maintain relationships. Building on the success of a pilot scheme, the team visited ten schools in early 2019.
Mentorship is all about sharing your career story to motivate and inspire others. The oil and gas industry is a new industry in Kenya and I find it important to teach the oil and gas life cycle and create awareness about career opportunities in the industry. I have seen a real impact in schools we’ve visited so far and I look forward to continuing this programme and making a difference.
Michelle Boit, Mentorship Programme Leader and Senior Construction Engineer for Tullow Kenya
Feedback from the schools visited has been positive and more frequent visits have been requested. The team also hope to expand the programme to visit more schools in Turkana and West Pokot County.