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The well encountered the water below the oil accumulation discovered at the Paon-1X well and pressure logging has located the likely oil water contact.
To minimise the number of appraisal wells, Paon-2A was located 15km southwest and approximately 370 metres down-dip of the Autruche light oil discovery made by the Paon-1X well in 2012. The well encountered Upper Cretaceous reservoir sandstones which were water bearing at this location. Pressure data from the Autruche age reservoirs intersected in Paon-2A indicate that the Autruche oil accumulation between this well and Paon-1X has a hydrocarbon column of at least 230 metres.
Following completion of logging operations the well will be plugged and abandoned. The Seadrill West Leo dynamically positioned semi-submersible drilled Paon-2A to a final depth of 5,380 metres in water depths of 2,366 metres.
Tullow (15% plus a 15% carried interest) operates the CI-103 licence and is partnered by Anadarko Petroleum (55%) and the Societé Nationale d’Opérations Pétrolières de Côte D’Ivoire (Petroci) (5% plus a 10% carried interest).
“The Paon-2A well has efficiently identified the likely depth of the oil water contact and we are reviewing the resource range and our future monetisation options. The well did not encounter oil at this location, reducing the upside volume potential associated with the Autruche field. However, including the up-dip potential above Paon-1X, the total hydrocarbon column of the field is inferred to be up to 700 metres.”